- When considering a career transition, the number of occupational choices now available is staggering and can be confusing. Current job boards list over 80,000 different jobs.
- The Career Liftoff® Interest Inventory can provide useful information about your vocational interest patterns compared to thousands of others.
- This information provided by the Career Liftoff® Interest Inventory can help you narrow your field of interests in your job searching.
- As you use the Career Liftoff® Interest Inventory profile information provided, you can refer to specific occupations listed in the very large, comprehensive US Government occupational data bases, O*NET and YOURNEXTMOVE. These US Government databases contain very detailed information about a very large number of occupations, what the pay range is, what training or education must be obtained to prepare for these, and what the future prospects are for growth in each occupation.
- Knowing your special vocational interest profile based on the six RIASEC factors as provided by the Career Liftoff® Interest Inventory can be quite helpful in gaining a better understanding of what your actual vocational interests are compared to those working in specific occupations listed on these US Government databases.
- The more information you gain about your own specific vocational interest and the more information you gain about the various good occupational opportunities out there and how to enter them, can give you new tools to use in your career selection and preparation.
- Those who match up their basic vocational interest patterns with the good occupational opportunities out there now typically have a better chance of selecting a satisfying career than otherwise.
- The Career Liftoff® Interest Inventory can help you refine your occupational interest and achieve long-term satisfaction with Your chosen career path.
- The Career Liftoff® Interest Inventory is priced right at $19.95 USD